EPP Group: We stand with Polish women
The Polish Government seems intent on abolishing the rule of law and any semblance of a true justice system with highly politicised pseudo ‘verdicts’, the persecution of judges and prosecutors…
Politics Edition
The Polish Government seems intent on abolishing the rule of law and any semblance of a true justice system with highly politicised pseudo ‘verdicts’, the persecution of judges and prosecutors…
Photo by Staff Sgt. Brittany Chase The following individuals were sworn-in virtually or in-person today at the Pentagon: • Adil Ahmed, Attorney Advisor, Office of the General Counsel, Department of…
The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on the inauguration of Joe Biden as President of the United States of America: “On…
The ECR Group in the European Parliament welcomes the new EU-UK post-Brexit trade deal, based on zero tariffs and zero quotas – a principle we endorsed throughout the negotiation process.…
“We are relieved to know that the EU and the UK have finally managed to agree in principle on our future trade relationship. The draft agreement comes very late, but…
The EPP Group has called for a “gradual, cautious, well-coordinated and forward-looking plan” to lift the Coronavirus confinement and lockdown measures in EU countries, said Markus Ferber MEP, the EPP…
The EPP Group strongly supports the Greek and Bulgarian Governments in their efforts to maintain order at their borders with Turkey. “Europe will never allow itself to be blackmailed. Turkish…
Disputing parenting rights can take a lot of time and emotional energy. It can also be very stressful. If your child or parents cannot settle a dispute by writing a…
For Parliament’s negotiating team, the preliminary proposal by Finland’s presidency of the Council for the next long-term budget of the EU would “condemn the European Union to failure”. Today, the…
Manfred Weber MEP (Germany), Chairman of the EPP Group The EPP Group wholeheartedly congratulates Donald Tusk on his election as new President of the European People’s Party, today at the…